The Netherlands needs 10GW of battery storage by 2030 and, while the market is being held back by onerous grid fees, developers like Lion Storage are working on deploying multi-hundred megawatt systems.
Movement in the country’s battery energy storage system (BESS) market has picked up over the past 12 months. The largest operational system in the country was brought online in October last year by GIGA Buffalo, followed in quick succession by the largest under-construction projects being launched by Rolls-Royce and Alfen in November 2022 and February 2023 respectively.
Lion Storage has early-storage projects in the pipeline with two totalling 350MW/1,400MWh targeting a 2025 commercial operation date (COD) and another two with 400MW/1,600MWh combined capacity for 2026.
In an in-person interview at the Energy Storage Summit in London last month, the firm’s co-founder and CTO Jeroen Althoff talked Energy-Storage.news through the company’s plans, market drivers, regulatory issues, future value stack and other challenges he sees.