All photovoltaic home storage units that the company has sold since 2012 can be qualified for participation in the electricity market via a software update. An E3/DC algorithm then combines solar charging with the day-ahead price under an individual price limit.
Electricity prices on the stock exchange are volatile. As a rule, little of this is received by the end customer. E3/DC now wants to change that and is offering all operators of their so-called home power plants the opportunity to benefit from dynamic electricity prices. There will be a software update for the approximately 120,000 photovoltaic home storage units that have come onto the market since 2012, with which they can actively participate in the electricity market. Then, in addition to using their own solar power, they could also use the low price phases of dynamic tariffs free of charge, says E3/DC.
There will be a first concrete application before Easter, namely the price-optimized charging of electric cars. An E3/DC algorithm combines solar charging with the day-ahead price under an individual price limit. This will create a new charging mode for customers that will make charging electric vehicles easy and affordable all year round, E3/DC continued. Customers would be shown the real electricity price, taking into account their own photovoltaic generation and thus also the savings at the “fixed tariff”. In addition, according to the in-house “360° principle”, the percentage of self-sufficiency is displayed when the price limit set by the customer is fallen below and the car is being charged.
Customers could already activate the dynamic electricity tariff via the display or in the portal. It can also be simulated there if anyone is still undecided. It is possible to use the solar power you generate to the maximum for charging and also to use the dynamic electricity tariff on the stock exchange during low-cost phases. A minimum range at the time of departure can still be set. The system detects when the target quantity cannot be achieved in optimized charging mode and charges from the network at full power at the latest possible time, as E3/DC explains.
The company's wallbox can also be used to switch between single- and three-phase operation. The energy management system also makes it possible to charge the solar power from the storage in shift mode or to achieve maximum performance for the vehicle through mixed mode.
E3/DC understands its “360° self-sufficiency” concept as a holistic approach to independent energy supply. For this purpose, not only the solar power from the photovoltaic system on your own roof, but also the potential of the electricity market should be used. In addition to the direct marketing of excess solar power, the main focus is on dynamic electricity tariffs and the strategic use of storage capacities in home storage and in vehicles. “Automated vehicle charging at low electricity prices is an important first step,” explained Andreas Piepenbrink, CEO of E3/DC. “We were the first to introduce solar charging on the market and also brought bi-directional charging into series production. Dynamic electricity tariffs are part of the solution to reduce costs transparently and promote the energy transition in the long term.” There has been a cooperation between E3/DC and Volkswagen since the end of last year. Certain vehicles from the manufacturer can therefore already charge and recover direct current together with an E3/DC home power plant using the “EDISON V2H” charging solution.