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ECREEE Unveils Renewable Energy Project in Ribeira Alta, Enhancing Energy Access in Cabo Verde

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) has officially launched a significant renewable energy project in Ribeira Alta, on Cabo Verde's Santo Antão island. Funded by the ECOWAS Special Intervention Fund (ESIF), this initiative aims to provide sustainable electricity to one of the country's most remote regions.

The handover ceremony was attended by notable representatives from ECREEE, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, local government officials, project promoters, and community leaders. This project exemplifies ECOWAS's commitment to addressing energy access issues and promoting sustainable development in underserved areas.

Ribeira Alta, characterized by its rugged terrain and isolation, has long faced challenges with energy access. The newly established renewable energy system includes advanced solar power installations and energy storage solutions to meet the community's electricity needs sustainably.

“This project is a milestone in our mission to expand renewable energy access across West Africa,” stated Mr. Claudino Mendes, Sustainable Energy Expert at ECREEE. “By addressing the energy needs of remote communities like Ribeira Alta, we are making strides toward greater energy equity and sustainable development in the ECOWAS region.”

The Santo Antão project is part of a broader initiative funded by the ECOWAS Special Intervention Fund, which has also supported clean energy projects in Nigeria, The Gambia, Ghana, and Togo this year, reinforcing ECREEE's leadership in promoting renewable energy and ensuring sustainable access for vulnerable communities.

This successful implementation is a result of collaborative efforts among ECREEE, local authorities, and the residents of Ribeira Alta, who were actively involved in the project's development. This initiative showcases the effective use of the ECOWAS Special Intervention Fund to improve energy access and highlights the region's commitment to sustainable development through renewable energy solutions.


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