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Energy Box

Hydrogen at the heart of decarbonization, in Italy target 5 GW by 2030

Utilizing hydrogen as a source of anti-CO2 energy to decarbonize the economy and industrial operations.

The National Energy Situation Report was compiled by the Energy Department-Directorate General Infrastructure and Security of the Ministry of Ecological Transition (Mite) and an ad hoc working group comprised of institutional and industry representatives.

Europe plans to reach 40 gigawatts (Gw) by 2030, with a 14 percent contribution to the energy mix by 2050. It is mentioned that the Italian Plan aspires for a capacity of 5 GW by 2030.

According to the Report, which was authored by the Bank of Italy, Enea, Istat, Eni, Gse (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici), Snam, Terna, and the Ministry of Economic Development, “interest in hydrogen as a solution to decarbonize industrial processes and economic sectors in which the reduction of carbon emissions is most challenging is rapidly growing in Europe.”

In fact, “the strategic vision envisioned by the European Green Deal calls for the proportion of hydrogen in the European energy mix to increase from less than 2 percent today to 13 to 14 percent by 2050” According to the explanation, the EU’s priority consists of “generating renewable hydrogen mostly with wind and solar energy. The identified path anticipates the installation of 6 GW of electrolysers by 2024, reaching 40 GW by 2030.”

To initiate the growth of the decarbonized hydrogen market in Italy, it is anticipated that approximately 5 GW of electrolysis capacity will be added by 2030, along with imports or other types of low-carbon hydrogen.

This, according to the report, “would offer a concrete process decarbonization option to the synthetic chemical and petroleum refining industries that already use hydrogen derived from fossil sources.” “An accelerated development of hydrogen is also noted in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRPR), which allocates a total of 3.64 billion euros to the development of projects involving hydrogen.”


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