Kazakhstan is set to reach 10.3% of electricity generation from renewables in 2030, thus slightly topping its original end-of-decade target but missing the revised one of 15%, GlobalData said on Monday.
The country achieved its short-term target of producing 3% of its electricity from renewable energy sources in 2020 and the following year increased its 2030 goal to 15% from 10%. In 2022, thermal power accounted for 80.1% of installed capacity and 86.6% of the annual generation, with a significant share of cheap and abundant coal.
According to the analyst firm, the lack of flexible generation is the main challenge to Kazakhstan achieving its renewable generation target.
“Kazakhstan lacks flexible generating capacity and relies on parallel operation with the Russian power system. The current geopolitical crisis creates a major risk for the country to cover imbalances and maintain frequency stability,” said Ojindaram Saibasan, power analyst at GlobalData.
According to the analyst Kazakhstan should look to upgrade its grid and exploit its untapped wind and solar potential in the country. “Auctions are key to renewable power development; the country should look to make the scheme more attractive to bring in foreign investments and bring in advanced technology to achieve optimal efficiency from renewable power plants,” added Saibasan.
Kazakhstan is expected to add 3.1 GW of photovoltaic (PV) capacity and 2.9 GW of onshore wind in the 2023-2035 period.
The nation expects to reach 50% renewable power generation by 2050.
