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PT PLN to develop a Solar Power Plant in Malaysian border

PT PLN (Persero) has continued to enhance electricity infrastructures in border areas by developing a Solar Power Plant (PLTS).

The infrastructures are being built in the Temajuk area, Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan, bordering Malaysia.

According to the electric utility, the PLTS with a capacity of 371-kilowatt peak (kWP) is expected to boost the economy of the people in the area, a local report mentioned. To be noted, the location is directly adjacent to Kampung Melano Malaysia.

Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo remarked that “through the presence of PLTS in the outermost regions of Indonesia, is a reflection of the company’s commitment to accelerating the use of green energy while simultaneously boosting the people’s economy.”

He further stated that the project will increase the New and Renewable Energy (EBT) mix.

Besides, the state-owned utility is also trying to boost the economy in the 3T region through the presence of electricity. It informed that it is starting though Sambas, which is directly adjacent to Malaysia.

Darmawan further explained that the company will maximize the EBT potential in each region by accelerating the energy transition in the country.


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